Glaucoma is a group of diseases of the eye that gradually steals sight without warning and usually without any symptoms (SILENT THIEF OF SIGHT). It is characterized by progressive optic nerve damage, due to various causes. One of them is raised eye pressure called intra-ocular pressure. It causes damage to the nerves that connects the eye to the brain like connecting the telephone to the exchange. If damaged, there is no communication and therefore no eyesight.
Glaucoma a preventable cause of blindness, and second to cataract as a leading cause of blindness in the world. Due to lack of awareness, this disease is not diagnosed in time.
Generally, Glaucoma is not associated with any clear symptoms like pain or vision loss until the disease is in very advanced stage. Glaucoma can be only diagnosed with the help of special tests by an Ophthalmologist. Therefore, early detection and treatment will give you the best possibility of retaining your sight.
Glaucoma often goes unrecognized until significant permanent damage and some loss of sight has occurred. The damage from glaucoma is permanent. The sight lost cannot be restored. In the early stages, GLAUCOMA HAS NO SYMPTOMS of the loss of vision.
The risk factors to develop Glaucoma include:Your Ophthalmologist will decide what test needs to be done. That is why detection of Glaucoma requires an eye examination by a qualified OPHTHALMOLOGIST
There is no cure for Glaucoma. However, it can be controlled. Once diagnosed, it requires constant, lifelong care and continual observation. Treatment can control the intra-ocular pressure, which protects the optic nerve and prevents vision loss. Some people think that Glaucoma has been cured when high pressures have been brought down to safe levels with medication or surgery. In fact Glaucoma is only being controlled, not been cured? Regular use of medications and regular check-ups are necessary.