Good vision develops during childhood when both eyes have normal alignment.

Strabismus or any difference in the refractive error between the eyes may cause reduced vision, or amblyopia, in the weaker eye. The brain will recognize the image of the better-seeing eye and ignore the image of the weaker or amblyopic eye. This is because the vision centres in the brain are not stimulated by the weak eye.

This occurs in approximately half the children who have strabismus.

The prevalence of Amblyopia is 2% in normal children that is 2 out of 100 children will have amblyopia which is not diagnosed

Causes of Amblyopia are

  1. high refractive error (glass power) in one eye
  2. Squint or strabismus in the eyes
  3. Corneal opacities or congenital cataract

The conventional treatment of amblyopia used to be

  1. Correction of the refractive error 
  2. And patching of the normal eye to stimulate the amblyopic (lazy eye). Duration of patching depends on the density of amblyopia 
  3. In addition to this computer exercises are used to stimulate the vision centres in the brain 

This treatment was a bottom to top approach that is the retina is stimulated which in turn stimulates the vision centres in the brain.

New treatment for amblyopia is done using a machine called ORTHOPTEK.

This treatment follows the top to bottom approach .

In this treatment multiple areas in the brain are stimulated which in turn stimulates the vision centre.

PRADNYA NETHRALAYA is one of the few hospitals in INDIA to be equipped with this instrument to treat lazy eye or amblyopia .

This instrument has shown excellent result in improving the vision even up to the age of 17-18 years whereas the old technique may improve vision only up to the age of 7-8 years.

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